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Florida #1 in Personal Injury Cases

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Personal Injury Cases in Florida

Newly released research has revealed the states with the most personal injury cases per capita.

Florida is at the top of the list.

Based on data compiled for the number of personal injury cases going through state court systems for the twelve months ending on March 31, 2023, Florida leads by a wide margin. Personal injury cases occurred at a rate of 127.41 per 100,000 capita, four times more than any other state in the U.S.

The list tallied data from, comparing the number of cases with the population of each state over s period of twelve months, from March 31, 2022 – March 31, 2023. Florida saw 28,343 personal injury cases during the year, which amounted to over 62% of all civil cases heard in Florida courts. The 127.41 cases per 100,000 people far exceeded the national average of just 9.53 personal injury cases per 100,000, and is 319% more than any other state. No other state had personal injury cases account for more than 45% of their courts’ civil case load.

Legal experts attribute the dramatic rise in cases to the passing of Florida Bill HB 837, which drastically reworked tort laws. The reforms included reducing the statute of limitations on personal injury cases from four years to two years and resetting the reimbursement fee schedule for Medicaid and Medicare, among others.

Personal Injury Case Rankings

Here is a Top 5 list of states with the most personal injury (PI) cases per capita for the twelve-month period ending on March 31, 2023:

  • Florida
    • Total PI Cases: 28,342
    • PI Cases as % of Total Cases: 62.10
    • PI Cases Per 100,000 Capita: 127.41
  • Ohio
    • Total PI Cases: 3,572
    • PI Cases as % of Total Cases: 44.28
    • PI Cases Per 100,000 Capita: 30.38
  • New Jersey
    • Total PI Cases: 2,810
    • PI Cases as % of Total Cases: 31.03
    • PI Cases Per 100,000 Capita: 30.34
  • South Carolina
    • Total PI Cases: 1,596
    • PI Cases as % of Total Cases: 36.03
    • PI Cases Per 100,000 Capita: 30.21
  • Illinois
    • Total PI Cases: 2,887
    • PI Cases as % of Total Cases: 23.61
    • PI Cases Per 100,000 Capita: 22.95

Let GOLDLAW handle your Personal Injury Case

At GOLDLAW, we focus solely on personal injury matters, which gives us a unique advantage when helping our clients. With over 200 years of combined experience, our team can provide hope, compassion, and guidance to clients.

If you or someone you love has been injured by the reckless actions of someone else, you may have legal recourse. The team at GOLDLAW has the experience and, resources, and determination to help you fight for and win the most compensation possible in your case. Don’t hesitate to hold the negligent party accountable. Tell us about your case, or call us at (561) 222-2222 to get started!