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Epstein Victim’s Compensation Program

Compensation Available Now For Epstein’s Victims

More than $500 million of Epstein’s estate has been earmarked to compensate what is expected to be hundreds of his victims through the decades. Learn more here.

  • This program was designed to give victims of Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual assault and trafficking crimes a streamlined path to obtain compensation for your injuries, physical and psychological.
  • Valid claims can be brought by individual women without regard to when the assault or injuries occurred, how old you were when it happened, and whether you filed a lawsuit or not.
  • All victims are encouraged now to participate. This may be the last opportunity to access Epstein’s estate for compensatory damages.
  • This program can ensure confidentiality to the fullest extent.


Jeffrey Epstein has failed, and his victims have won.  Two days before his death, Jeffrey Epstein attempted to shield over half a billion dollars from the victims he molested for over 20 years. But he failed. And now with the establishment of this compensation program, this marks the beginning of the end of the sad, terrible saga that is Jeffrey Epstein.

Thankfully, the U.S. Attorney for the Virgin Islands seized Epstein’s estate following his death.  She has now transferred all assets to a neutral administrator in New York, Jordy Feldman, who has the authority to transfer those funds fairly and justly to the victims – our clients. Ms. Feldman is the administrator who also handled the 9/11 victims fund. The Effective Date for the filing of claims under the fund begins today, June 25, 2020.

It is imperative that any victim of Jeffrey Epstein come forward now to apply for compensation under this fund. We are currently representing numerous victims of sexual abuse, assault, and sex trafficking at the direct and indirect hands of Epstein over the course of many long years, and it’s a privilege and an honor to be the lawyer for these brave women. We will be submitting claims on their behalf to the fund, as well as filing federal lawsuits against the estate to ensure all available avenues of financial relief are taken, maximizing the value of our client’s claims to secure the highest possible compensation for their traumas.

What is important to understand is that this fund has no limits for fair compensation. There is no maximum number of victims who may apply. There’s no monetary cap to what can be awarded. The strictest level of confidentiality can be maintained while applying for this program, and you potential claimants need not have physical evidence or a pending lawsuit to apply. Your verbal testimony and credibility is your evidence.

The fund administrators opened this program up to a wide population of individuals affected by Epstein or his co-conspirators for a reason: because we know there are many, many women out there who have never come forward out of fear, embarrassment, or some other personal reason.

If this is you or someone you know, let me be clear: you no longer need to hide. 

This program is your opportunity to obtain financial justice against Jeffrey Epstein for the atrocities he committed against you.

You do not need to be “the suing type”, nor does your identity need to be revealed in public. We know no amount of money can buy back your innocence, or erase your share, pain, or guilt for what happened. But, this fund and obtaining your portion of it will help ease the burden you may be feeling.

All victims can apply. This includes women from any corner of the country or the world, women who have never come forward before, women who have filed lawsuits, women whose only evidence is their tragic memory of the events and even women who filed and settled their claims back during the first round of litigation in 2008 and 2009.  This fund will be open for less than a year, so it is imperative that anyone who believes they are a victim of Epstein come forward now.

I encourage you to call. You are brave, you are strong, and we have your back.

-Spencer T. Kuvin, Esq.
The Law Offices of Craig Goldenfarb, P.A.